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Michelle and Keith Descoteaux
Michelle and Keith Descoteaux

About Your Farmers

A while ago we had the pleasure of listening to John Kempf, Dan Kittredge and Derek Christianson speak about soil nutrition for two days. For us, it all began back in January, 2011 when we moved into our newly purchased farm. We had increased our land six fold from what we had. The soil looked good and we were ready to continue with our farmer’s markets that summer. One little issue, we could not get anything to grow on this land. Root crops – forget it. Beans - forget it. Anything – forget it. 


We were desperate to get some type of growth. We added coffee grounds, lime, blood meal and a couple of other things in the hopes of getting some type of bounty that summer. That fall, 2011, somehow, we heard about Dan Kittredge and at the time his organization was called The Real Food Campaign. Keith took an all day class that day and came home with so much information his head was pounding.


We implemented everything that was suggested that fall. We incorporated boron, lime, blood meal, and other trace minerals and inoculants as suggested. In the spring of 2012, Keith attended the second part of Dan Kittredge’s class, and we immediately implemented more practices at that time. The results were amazing as I’m sure our current customers can confirm. Our yields were spectacular, and the taste was superior.

















The point of this entire process is to feed the soil with trace minerals that are currently lacking in much of the soil in the United States. If the soil is in harmony and has what it needs, the resulting product is a very naturally sweet vegetable or fruit with many minerals that our body requires but tend to lack these days.  Can you imagine if all farmers grew this way? This process can even be implemented with animals. By increasing the trace minerals in our hay or our field grasses, the cows would be eating highly nutritious food and the resulting meat or milk or eggs from that animal would be amazing. 


We cannot say enough about this conference. John Kempf is a brilliant young Amish farmer from Ohio who consults on how to grow this way and travels throughout the United States speaking and keeping up to date with the latest information. Dan Kittredge lives in Massachusetts and he to consults and travels giving lectures and classes. His company name is now called Bionutrient Food Association in which this farm is a proud member.


It is a pleasure growing this way and only makes sense. This is beyond organic growing – it’s one step above. We look forward to continuing our learning and increasing our yields and the quality of the food we offer to our customers for many years to come.



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